

Validators maintain the security and integrity of the Allora appchain.

What do Validators do?

Secure Chain with Stake

Validators secure the Allora appchain by staking tokens in a delegated proof of stake system through CometBFT. The more a validator stakes, the greater their influence on the overall security and consensus of the blockchain.

Similarly, stakeholders can delegate their tokens to validators, further enhancing the security and reliability of the chain.

Topic Security vs Chain Security

  • Topic security is a subset of chain security.
  • If the underlying state is corrupted, topic security is compromised.
  • One can have chain security without topic security if:
    • Validators are generally honest (weighted by stake).
    • Reputers of a specific topic are generally dishonest (weighted by stake).

Validate Transactions

Validators validate transactions and blocks, ensuring that all transactions are legitimate and conform to the rules of the blockchain

Participate in Consensus

Validators participate in the consensus mechanism of the appchain, running CometBFT. By participating in the consensus, validators collectively agree on the state of the blockchain.

Receive Rewards

Validators receive rewards based on the amount of stake they hold or have delegated to them.

Learn More

Test run a validator of the Allora appchain by following the instructions here.

CometBFT can be explored in the following two articles, among many other places: