
allorad Reference

allorad commands below are broken out into:

  1. Query functions, or functions that read from the chain
    • e.g. get active topics, get amount of stake in a topic
  2. Tx functions, or functions that write to the chain
    • e.g. create a topic, add stake to a reputer

Query Functions

These functions read from the appchain only and do not write. Add the Command value into your query to retrieve the expected data.

allorad q emissions [Command] --node <RPC_URL>


  • RPC Method: Params
  • Command: params
  • Description: Get the current module parameters.

Get Next Topic ID

  • RPC Method: GetNextTopicId
  • Command: next-topic-id
  • Description: Get next topic id. Topic ids are incremented with each newly added topic.

Get Topic

  • RPC Method: GetTopic
  • Command: topic [topic_id]
  • Description: Get topic by topic_id.
  • Positional Arguments:
    • topic_id Identifier of the topic whose information will be returned.

Topic Exists

  • RPC Method: TopicExists
  • Command: topic-exists [topic_id]
  • Description: True if topic exists at given id, else false.
  • Positional Arguments:
    • topic_id Identifier of the topic whose information will be returned.

Get Active Topics

  • RPC Method: GetActiveTopics
  • Command: active-topics [pagination]
  • Description: Get topic by topic_id.
  • Positional Arguments:
    • pagination The json key-value pair of the limit of topics outputted
      • Example: '{"limit":10}'

Is Topic Active

  • RPC Method: IsTopicActive
  • Command: is-topic-active [topic_id]
  • Description: True if the topic is active, else false.
  • Positional Arguments:
    • topic_id Identifier of the topic whose information will be returned.

Get Rewardable Topics

  • RPC Method: GetRewardableTopics
  • Command: rewardable-topics
  • Description: Get Rewardable Topics.

Get Delegate Reward Per Share

  • RPC Method: GetDelegateRewardPerShare
  • Command: delegate-reward-per-share [topic_id] [reputer_address]
  • Description: Get total delegate reward per share stake in a reputer for a topic.
  • Positional Arguments:
    • topic_id Identifier of the topic whose information will be returned.
    • reputer_address Address of the reputer.

Get Delegate Stake Placement

  • RPC Method: GetDelegateStakePlacement
  • Command: delegate-reward-per-share [topic_id] [delegator] [target]
  • Description: Get the amount of token delegated to a target by a delegator in a topic.
  • Positional Arguments:
    • topic_id Identifier of the topic whose information will be returned.
    • delegator Address of the delegator.
    • target Address of the target.

Get Delegate Stake Removal

  • RPC Method: GetDelegateStakeRemoval
  • Command: delegate-stake-removal [block_height] [topic_id] [delegator] [reputer]
  • Description: Get the current state of a pending delegate stake removal.
  • Positional Arguments:
    • block_height Block height to query.
    • topic_id Identifier of the topic whose information will be returned.
    • delegator Address of the delegator.
    • reputer Address of the reputer.

Get Delegate Stake Upon Reputer

  • RPC Method: GetDelegateStakeUponReputer
  • Command: delegate-stake-on-reputer [topic_id] [target]
  • Description: Get the total amount of token delegated to a target reputer in a topic.
  • Positional Arguments:
    • topic_id Identifier of the topic whose information will be returned.
    • target Address of the target reputer.

Get Forecast Scores Until Block

  • RPC Method: GetForecastScoresUntilBlock
  • Command: forecast-scores-until-block [topic_id] [block_height]
  • Description: Get all saved scores for all forecasters for a topic descending until a given past block height.
  • Positional Arguments:
    • topic_id Identifier of the topic whose information will be returned.
    • block_height Block height to query.

Get Forecaster Network Regret

  • RPC Method: GetForecasterNetworkRegret
  • Command: forecaster-regret [topic_id] [worker]
  • Description: Get current network regret for a given forecaster.
  • Positional Arguments:
    • topic_id Identifier of the topic whose information will be returned.
    • worker Address of the forecaster.

Get Inference Scores Until Block

  • RPC Method: GetInferenceScoresUntilBlock
  • Command: inference-scores-until-block [topic_id] [block_height]
  • Description: Get all saved scores for all inferers for a topic descending until a given past block height.
  • Positional Arguments:
    • topic_id Identifier of the topic whose information will be returned.
    • block_height Block height to query.

Get Inferer Network Regret

  • RPC Method: GetInfererNetworkRegret
  • Command: inferer-regret [topic_id] [actor_id]
  • Description: Get current network regret for a given inferer.
  • Positional Arguments:
    • topic_id Identifier of the topic whose information will be returned.
    • actor_id Address of the inferer.

Is Reputer Nonce Unfulfilled

  • RPC Method: IsReputerNonceUnfulfilled
  • Command: reputer-nonce-unfulfilled [topic_id] [block_height]
  • Description: True if reputer nonce is unfulfilled, else false.
  • Positional Arguments:
    • topic_id Identifier of the topic whose information will be returned.
    • block_height Block height to query.

Is Worker Nonce Unfulfilled

  • RPC Method: IsWorkerNonceUnfulfilled
  • Command: worker-nonce-unfulfilled [topic_id] [block_height]
  • Description: True if worker nonce is unfulfilled, else false.
  • Positional Arguments:
    • topic_id Identifier of the topic whose information will be returned.
    • block_height Block height to query.

Get Latest Available Network Inference

  • RPC Method: GetLatestAvailableNetworkInference
  • Command: latest-available-network-inference [topic_id]
  • Description: Returns network inference only if all available information to compute the inference is present.
  • Positional Arguments:
    • topic_id Identifier of the topic whose information will be returned.

Get Latest Forecaster Score

  • RPC Method: GetLatestForecasterScore
  • Command: latest-forecaster-score [topic_id] [forecaster]
  • Description: Returns the latest score for a forecaster in a topic.
  • Positional Arguments:
    • topic_id Identifier of the topic whose information will be returned.
    • forecaster Address of the forecaster.

Get Latest Inferer Score

  • RPC Method: GetLatestInfererScore
  • Command: latest-inferer-score [topic_id] [inferer]
  • Description: Returns the latest score for an inferer in a topic.
  • Positional Arguments:
    • topic_id Identifier of the topic whose information will be returned.
    • inferer Address of the inferer.

Get Latest Reputer Score

  • RPC Method: GetLatestReputerScore
  • Command: latest-reputer-score [topic_id] [reputer]
  • Description: Returns the latest score for a reputer in a topic.
  • Positional Arguments:
    • topic_id Identifier of the topic whose information will be returned.
    • reputer Address of the reputer.

Get Latest Topic Inferences

  • RPC Method: GetLatestTopicInferences
  • Command: latest-topic-raw-inferences [topic_id]
  • Description: Returns the latest round of raw inferences from workers for a topic.
  • Positional Arguments:
    • topic_id Identifier of the topic whose information will be returned.

Get Listening Coefficient

  • RPC Method: GetListeningCoefficient
  • Command: listening-coefficient [topic_id] [reputer]
  • Description: Returns the current listening coefficient for a given reputer.
  • Positional Arguments:
    • topic_id Identifier of the topic whose information will be returned.
    • reputer Address of the reputer.

Get One In Forecaster Network Regret

  • RPC Method: GetOneInForecasterNetworkRegret
  • Command: one-in-forecaster-regret [topic_id] [forecaster] [inferer]
  • Description: Returns regret born from including a forecaster's implied inference in a batch with an inferer.
  • Positional Arguments:
    • topic_id Identifier of the topic whose information will be returned.
    • forecaster Address of the forecaster.
    • inferer Address of the inferer.

Get Naive Inferer Network Regret

  • RPC Method: GetNaiveInfererNetworkRegret
  • Command: naive-inferer-network-regret [topic_id] [inferer]
  • Description: Returns regret born from including an inferer's naive inference in a batch.
  • Positional Arguments:
    • topic_id Identifier of the topic whose information will be returned.
    • inferer Address of the inferer.

Get One Out Inferer Inferer Network Regret

  • RPC Method: GetOneOutInfererInfererNetworkRegret
  • Command: one-out-inferer-inferer-network-regret [topic_id] [one_out_inferer] [inferer]
  • Description: Returns regret born from including one inferer's implied inference in a batch with another inferer.
  • Positional Arguments:
    • topic_id Identifier of the topic whose information will be returned.
    • one_out_inferer Address of the inferer being compared.
    • inferer Address of the primary inferer.

Get One Out Inferer Forecaster Network Regret

  • RPC Method: GetOneOutInfererForecasterNetworkRegret
  • Command: one-out-inferer-forecaster-network-regret [topic_id] [one_out_inferer] [forecaster]
  • Description: Returns regret born from including one inferer's implied inference in a batch with a forecaster.
  • Positional Arguments:
    • topic_id Identifier of the topic whose information will be returned.
    • one_out_inferer Address of the inferer.
    • forecaster Address of the forecaster.

Get One Out Forecaster Inferer Network Regret

  • RPC Method: GetOneOutForecasterInfererNetworkRegret
  • Command: one-out-forecaster-inferer-network-regret [topic_id] [one_out_forecaster] [inferer]
  • Description: Returns regret born from including one forecaster's implied inference in a batch with an inferer.
  • Positional Arguments:
    • topic_id Identifier of the topic whose information will be returned.
    • one_out_forecaster Address of the forecaster.
    • inferer Address of the inferer.

Get One Out Forecaster Forecaster Network Regret

  • RPC Method: GetOneOutForecasterForecasterNetworkRegret
  • Command: one-out-forecaster-forecaster-network-regret [topic_id] [one_out_forecaster] [forecaster]
  • Description: Returns regret born from including one forecaster's implied inference in a batch with another forecaster.
  • Positional Arguments:
    • topic_id Identifier of the topic whose information will be returned.
    • one_out_forecaster Address of the forecaster being compared.
    • forecaster Address of the primary forecaster.

Get Previous Forecast Reward Fraction

  • RPC Method: GetPreviousForecastRewardFraction
  • Command: previous-forecaster-reward-fraction [topic_id] [worker]
  • Description: Return previous reward fraction for a worker.
  • Positional Arguments:
    • topic_id Identifier of the topic whose information will be returned.
    • worker Address of the worker.

Get Previous Inference Reward Fraction

  • RPC Method: GetPreviousInferenceRewardFraction
  • Command: previous-inference-reward-fraction [topic_id] [worker]
  • Description: Return previous reward fraction for a worker.
  • Positional Arguments:
    • topic_id Identifier of the topic whose information will be returned.
    • worker Address of the worker.

Get Previous Percentage Reward To Staked Reputers

  • RPC Method: GetPreviousPercentageRewardToStakedReputers
  • Command: previous-percentage-reputer-reward
  • Description: Return the previous percentage reward paid to staked reputers.

Get Previous Reputer Reward Fraction

  • RPC Method: GetPreviousReputerRewardFraction
  • Command: previous-reputer-reward-fraction [topic_id] [reputer]
  • Description: Return the previous reward fraction for a reputer.
  • Positional Arguments:
    • topic_id Identifier of the topic whose information will be returned.
    • reputer Address of the reputer.

Get Previous Topic Weight

  • RPC Method: GetPreviousTopicWeight
  • Command: previous-topic-weight [topic_id]
  • Description: Return the previous topic weight.
  • Positional Arguments:
    • topic_id Identifier of the topic whose information will be returned.

Get Reputer Loss Bundles At Block

  • RPC Method: GetReputerLossBundlesAtBlock
  • Command: reputer-loss-bundle [topic_id] [block_height]
  • Description: Return the reputer loss bundle at a block height.
  • Positional Arguments:
    • topic_id Identifier of the topic whose information will be returned.
    • block_height Block height to query.

Get Reputers Scores At Block

  • RPC Method: GetReputersScoresAtBlock
  • Command: reputer-scores [topic_id] [block_height]
  • Description: Return reputer scores at a block height.
  • Positional Arguments:
    • topic_id Identifier of the topic whose information will be returned.
    • block_height Block height to query.

Get Stake Removal For Reputer And Topic Id

  • RPC Method: GetStakeRemovalForReputerAndTopicId
  • Command: reputer-scores [reputer] [topic_id]
  • Description: Return stake removal information for a reputer in a topic.
  • Positional Arguments:
    • reputer Address of the reputer.
    • topic_id Identifier of the topic whose information will be returned.

Get Stake Reputer Authority

  • RPC Method: GetStakeReputerAuthority
  • Command: reputer-authority [topic_id] [reputer]
  • Description: Return total stake on reputer in a topic, including delegate stake and their own.
  • Positional Arguments:
    • topic_id Identifier of the topic whose information will be returned.
    • reputer Address of the reputer.

Get Topic Fee Revenue

  • RPC Method: GetTopicFeeRevenue
  • Command: topic-fee-revenue [topic_id]
  • Description: Return effective fee revenue for a topic.
  • Positional Arguments:
    • topic_id Identifier of the topic whose information will be returned.

Get Topic Reward Nonce

  • RPC Method: GetTopicRewardNonce
  • Command: topic-reward-nonce [topic_id]
  • Description: Return the reward nonce for a topic.
  • Positional Arguments:
    • topic_id Identifier of the topic whose information will be returned.

Get Topic Stake

  • RPC Method: GetTopicStake
  • Command: topic-stake [topic_id]
  • Description: Return total stake in a topic, including delegate stake.
  • Positional Arguments:
    • topic_id Identifier of the topic whose information will be returned.

Get Total Reward To Distribute

  • RPC Method: GetTotalRewardToDistribute
  • Command: total-rewards
  • Description: Return total rewards to be distributed among all rewardable topics.

Get Unfulfilled Reputer Nonces

  • RPC Method: GetUnfulfilledReputerNonces
  • Command: unfulfilled-reputer-nonces [topic_id]
  • Description: Return topic reputer nonces that have yet to be fulfilled.
  • Positional Arguments:
    • topic_id Identifier of the topic whose information will be returned.

Get Unfulfilled Worker Nonces

  • RPC Method: GetUnfulfilledWorkerNonces
  • Command: unfulfilled-worker-nonces [topic_id]
  • Description: Return topic worker nonces that have yet to be fulfilled.
  • Positional Arguments:
    • topic_id Identifier of the topic whose information will be returned.

Get Worker Forecast Scores At Block

  • RPC Method: GetWorkerForecastScoresAtBlock
  • Command: forecast-scores [topic_id] [block_height]
  • Description: Return scores for a worker at a block height.
  • Positional Arguments:
    • topic_id Identifier of the topic whose information will be returned.
    • block_height Block height to query.

Get Worker Inference Scores At Block

  • RPC Method: GetWorkerInferenceScoresAtBlock
  • Command: inference-scores [topic_id] [block_height]
  • Description: Return scores for a worker at a block height.
  • Positional Arguments:
    • topic_id Identifier of the topic whose information will be returned.
    • block_height Block height to query.

Get Stake From Reputer In Topic In Self

  • RPC Method: GetStakeFromReputerInTopicInSelf
  • Command: stake-reputer-in-topic-self [reputer_address] [topic_id]
  • Description: Get the stake of a reputer in a topic that they put on themselves.
  • Positional Arguments:
    • reputer_address Address of the reputer.
    • topic_id Identifier of the topic whose information will be returned.

Get Stake Removals Up Until Block

  • RPC Method: GetStakeRemovalsUpUntilBlock
  • Command: stake-removals-up-until-block [block_height]
  • Description: Get all pending stake removal requests going to happen at a given block height.
  • Positional Arguments:
    • block_height Block height to query.

Get Delegate Stake Removals Up Until Block

  • RPC Method: GetDelegateStakeRemovalsUpUntilBlock
  • Command: delegate-stake-removals-up-until-block [block_height]
  • Description: Get all pending delegate stake removal requests going to happen at a given block height.
  • Positional Arguments:
    • block_height Block height to query.

Get Stake Removal Info

  • RPC Method: GetStakeRemovalInfo
  • Command: stake-removal-info [address] [topic_id]
  • Description: Get a pending stake removal for a reputer in a topic.
  • Positional Arguments:
    • address Address of the reputer.
    • topic_id Identifier of the topic whose information will be returned.

Get Delegate Stake Removal Info

  • RPC Method: GetDelegateStakeRemovalInfo
  • Command: delegate-stake-removal-info [delegator] [reputer] [topic_id]
  • Description: Get a pending delegate stake removal for a delegator in a topic.
  • Positional Arguments:
    • delegator Address of the delegator.
    • reputer Address of the reputer.
    • topic_id Identifier of the topic whose information will be returned.

Get Topic Last Worker Commit Info

  • RPC Method: GetTopicLastWorkerCommitInfo
  • Command: topic-last-worker-commit [topic_id]
  • Description: Get the last commit by a worker for a topic.
  • Positional Arguments:
    • topic_id Identifier of the topic whose information will be returned.

Get Topic Last Reputer Commit Info

  • RPC Method: GetTopicLastReputerCommitInfo
  • Command: topic-last-reputer-commit [topic_id]
  • Description: Get the last commit by a reputer for a topic.
  • Positional Arguments:
    • topic_id Identifier of the topic whose information will be returned.

Get Forecasts for a Topic at Block Height

  • RPC Method: GetForecastsAtBlock
  • Command: forecasts-at-block [topic_id] [block_height]
  • Description: Get the Forecasts for a topic at block height.
  • Positional Arguments:
    • topic_id Identifier of the topic whose information will be returned
    • block_height Number of blocks that precede the specific block you are trying to query

Execute GetMultiReputerStakeInTopic RPC Method

  • RPC Method: GetMultiReputerStakeInTopic
  • Command: get-multi-reputer-stake-in-topic
  • Description: Execute the GetMultiReputerStakeInTopic RPC method.

Get All Inferences Produced for a Topic in a Particular Timestamp

  • RPC Method: GetInferencesAtBlock
  • Command: inferences-at-block [topic_id] [block_height]
  • Description: Get All Inferences produced for a topic in a particular timestamp.
  • Positional Arguments:
    • topic_id Identifier of the topic whose information will be returned
    • block_height Number of blocks that precede the specific block you are trying to query

Check if Reputer is Registered in the Topic

  • RPC Method: IsReputerRegistered
  • Command: is-reputer-registered [topic_id] [address]
  • Description: True if reputer is registered in the topic.
  • Positional Arguments:
    • topic_id Identifier of the topic whose information will be returned
    • address Reputer Address

Check if an Address is a Whitelist Admin

  • RPC Method: IsWhitelistAdmin
  • Command: is-whitelist-admin [address]
  • Description: Check if an address is a whitelist admin. True if so, else false.
  • Positional Arguments:
    • address Address to check

Check if Worker is Registered in the Topic

  • RPC Method: IsWorkerRegistered
  • Command: is-worker-registered [topic_id] [address]
  • Description: True if worker is registered in the topic.
  • Positional Arguments:
    • topic_id Identifier of the topic whose information will be returned
    • address Address to check

Get the Latest Network Inferences and Weights for a Topic

  • RPC Method: GetLatestNetworkInference
  • Command: latest-network-inference [topic_id]
  • Description: Get the latest Network inferences and weights for a topic.
  • Positional Arguments:
    • topic_id Identifier of the topic whose information will be returned

Get the Network Inferences for a Topic at a Block Height

  • RPC Method: GetNetworkInferencesAtBlock
  • Command: network-inferences-at-block [topic_id] [block_height_last_inference] [block_height_last_reward]
  • Description: Get the Network Inferences for a topic at a block height where the last inference was made and the last reward was given.
  • Positional Arguments:
    • topic_id Identifier of the topic whose information will be returned
    • block_height_last_inference Block height where the last inference was made
    • block_height_last_reward Block height where the last reward was given

Get the Network Loss Bundle for a Topic at Given Block Height

  • RPC Method: GetNetworkLossBundleAtBlock
  • Command: network-loss-bundle-at-block [topic_id] [block]
  • Description: Get the network loss bundle for a topic at given block height.
  • Positional Arguments:
    • topic_id Identifier of the topic whose information will be returned
    • block Block to query on

Get Amount of Stake in a Topic for a Delegator

  • RPC Method: GetStakeDelegatorInTopic
  • Command: stake-delegator-in-topic [delegator_address] [topic_id]
  • Description: Get amount of stake in a topic for a delegator.
  • Positional Arguments:
    • delegator_address Address of the delegator
    • topic_id Identifier of the topic whose information will be returned

Get Amount of Stake from Delegator in a Topic for a Reputer

  • RPC Method: GetStakeDelegatorInTopicReputer
  • Command: stake-delegator-in-topic-reputer [delegator_address] [reputer_address] [topic_id]
  • Description: Get amount of stake from delegator in a topic for a reputer.
  • Positional Arguments:
    • delegator_address Address of the delegator
    • reputer_address Address of the reputer
    • topic_id Identifier of the topic whose information will be returned

Get Reputer Stake in a Topic

  • RPC Method: GetStakeInTopicReputer
  • Command: stake-in-topic-reputer [address] [topic_id]
  • Description: Get reputer stake in a topic, including stake delegated to them in that topic.
  • Positional Arguments:
    • address Address of the reputer
    • topic_id Identifier of the topic whose information will be returned

Get Total Delegate Stake in a Topic and Reputer

  • RPC Method: GetTotalDelegatedStakeInTopicReputer
  • Command: stake-total-delegated-in-topic-reputer [reputer_address] [topic_id]
  • Description: Get total delegate stake in a topic and reputer.
  • Positional Arguments:
    • reputer_address Address of the reputer
    • topic_id Identifier of the topic whose information will be returned

Get the Total Amount of Staked Tokens by All Participants in the Network

  • RPC Method: GetTotalStake
  • Command: total-stake
  • Description: Get the total amount of staked tokens by all participants in the network.

Get the Latest Inference for a Given Worker and Topic

  • RPC Method: GetWorkerLatestInference
  • Command: worker-latest-inference [topic_id] [worker_address]
  • Description: Get the latest inference for a given worker and topic.
  • Positional Arguments:
    • topic_id Identifier of the topic whose information will be returned
    • worker_address Given worker to query on

Tx Functions

These functions write to the appchain. Add the Command value into your query to retrieve the expected data.

allorad tx emissions [Command]

Create New Topic

  • RPC Method: CreateNewTopic
  • Command: create-topic [creator] [metadata] [loss_logic] [loss_method] [inference_logic] [inference_method] [epoch_length] [ground_truth_lag] [default_arg] [p_norm] [alpha_regret] [allow_negative] [tolerance]
  • Description: Add a new topic to the network.
  • Positional Arguments:
    • creator The creator is the owner of the topic that is able to update the topic in the future
    • metadata
    • loss_logic
    • loss_method
    • inference_logic
    • inference_method
    • epoch_length
    • ground_truth_lag
    • default_arg
    • p_norm
    • alpha_regret
    • allow_negative
    • tolerance

Detailed instructions on how to create a topic are linked.

Add an Admin Address to the Whitelist

  • RPC Method: AddToWhitelistAdmin
  • Command: add-to-whitelist-admin [sender] [address]
  • Description: Add an admin address to the whitelist used for admin functions on-chain.
  • Positional Arguments:
    • sender Address of the sender
    • address Address that will be added to the whitelist

Remove an Admin Address from the Whitelist

  • RPC Method: RemoveFromWhitelistAdmin
  • Command: remove-from-whitelist-admin
  • Description: Remove an admin address from the whitelist used for admin functions on-chain.
  • Positional Arguments:
    • sender Address of the sender
    • address Address that will be removed to the whitelist

Register Network Actor

  • RPC Method: Register
  • Command: register [sender] [lib_p2p_key] [multi_address] [topic_ids] [initial_stake] [owner] [is_reputer]
  • Description: Register a new reputer or worker for a topic.
  • Positional Arguments:
    • sender
    • lib_p2p_key
    • multi_address
    • topic_ids
    • owner
    • is_reputer

Remove a Reputer or Worker from a Topic

  • RPC Method: RemoveRegistration
  • Command: remove-registration [creator] [owner] [is_reputer]
  • Description: Remove a reputer or worker from a topic.
  • Positional Arguments:
    • creator Address of the creator
    • owner Address of the owner of the reputer/worker
    • is_reputer Set to true if the network participant to remove is a reputer

Insert Bulk Reputer Payload

  • RPC Method: InsertBulkReputerPayload
  • Command: insert-bulk-reputer-payload [reputer_value_bundles]
  • Description: Insert bulk reputer payload.
  • Positional Arguments:
    • reputer_value_bundles Reputer payload to insert

Insert Bulk Worker Payload

  • RPC Method: InsertBulkWorkerPayload
  • Command: insert-bulk-worker-payload [worker_value_bundles]
  • Description: Insert bulk worker payload.
  • Positional Arguments:
    • worker_value_bundles Worker payload to insert

Add Stake

  • RPC Method: AddStake
  • Command: add-stake [sender] [topic_id] [amount]
  • Description: Add stake [amount] to one's self sender [reputer or worker] for a topic.
  • Positional Arguments:
    • sender The staker. This is the address of the transaction sender.
    • topic_id Identifier of the topic to add stake to
    • amount The stake

Remove Stake from a Topic

  • RPC Method: RemoveStake
  • Command: remove-stake [sender] [topic_id] [amount]
  • Description: Modify sender's [reputer] stake position by removing [amount] stake from a topic [topic_id].
  • Positional Arguments:
    • sender The staker. This is the address of the transaction sender.
    • topic_id Identifier of the topic to remove stake from
    • amount The amount staked

Delegate Stake to a Reputer for a Topic

  • RPC Method: DelegateStake
  • Command: delegate-stake [sender] [topic_id] [reputer] [amount]
  • Description: Delegate stake [amount] to a reputer for a topic.
  • Positional Arguments:
    • sender This is the address of the transaction sender
    • topic_id Identifier of the topic to remove stake from
    • reputer Address of the reputer
    • amount The amount to add to stake

Remove Delegate Stake from a Topic

  • RPC Method: RemoveDelegateStake
  • Command: remove-delegate-stake [sender] [topic_id] [reputer] [amount]
  • Description: Modify sender's [reputer] delegate stake position by removing [amount] stake from a topic [topic_id] from a reputer [reputer].
  • Positional Arguments:
    • sender This is the address of the transaction sender
    • topic_id Identifier of the topic to remove stake from
    • reputer Address of the reputer
    • amount The amount to remove from stake

Cancel Removing Delegate Stake

  • RPC Method: CancelRemoveDelegateStake
  • Command: cancel-remove-delegate-stake [sender] [topic_id] [reputer]
  • Description: Cancel the removal of delegated stake for a delegator staking on a reputer in a topic
  • Positional Arguments:
    • sender This is the address of the transaction sender
    • topic_id Identifier of the topic
    • reputer Address of the reputer

Cancel Removing Stake

  • RPC Method: CancelRemoveStake
  • Command: cancel-remove-stake [sender] [topic_id]
  • Description: Cancel the removal of stake for a reputer in a topic
  • Positional Arguments:
    • sender This is the address of the transaction sender
    • topic_id Identifier of the topic

Send Funds to a Topic to Pay for Inferences

  • RPC Method: FundTopic
  • Command: fund-topic [sender] [topic_id] [amount] [extra_data]
  • Description: Send funds to a topic to pay for inferences.
  • Positional Arguments:
    • sender This is the address of the transaction sender
    • topic_id Identifier of the topic
    • amount The amount to send
    • extra_data

Get Reward for Delegator for a Topic

  • RPC Method: RewardDelegateStake
  • Command: reward-delegate-stake [sender] [topic_id] [reputer]
  • Description: Get Reward for Delegator [sender] for a topic.
  • Positional Arguments:
    • sender This is the address of the transaction sender
    • topic_id Identifier of the topic
    • reputer Address of the reputer

Update Network Parameters

  • RPC Method: UpdateParams
  • Command: update-params [sender] [params]
  • Description: Update parameters of the network.
  • Positional Arguments:
    • sender This is the address of the transaction sender
    • params Params to be updated