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Managing Gas

Managing Gas with allorad

Invoking transactions causes network validators to do computations on your behalf and update the chain's state. These actions are compensated via gas. Gas is paid by wallets who send transactions to the Allora chain.

In its v0.7.0 release (opens in a new tab), Allora incorporated the x/feemarket module (opens in a new tab), which means that gas calculations follow an EIP-1559-like schedule (opens in a new tab) (see: the original EIP-1559 (opens in a new tab)). This requires transactions to be structured differently from other cosmos chains.

Prior to allora-chain v0.7.0 and in many other Cosmos chains, transactions are typically structured like so:

allorad tx emissions ... --from ACCOUNT_NAME --node RPC --chain-id allora-testnet-1 --keyring-backend test --keyring-dir ~/.allorad/ --gas auto --gas-adjustment 1.2 --fees 2024700uallo ...

Since v0.7.0, transactions should instead abide by the structure:

allorad tx emissions ... --from ACCOUNT_NAME --node RPC --chain-id allora-testnet-1 --keyring-backend test --keyring-dir ~/.allorad/ --gas 130206 --gas-adjustment 1.2 --gas-prices 10uallo ...

To emphasize: This^^ is the way transactions should be structured today using allorad.

The specific differences are:

fees Xuallo becomes gas-prices 10uallo

  • This is a config set in the network validators, so 10uallo is the universally recommended value

gas auto becomes gas 130206

  • This value can change per the use case

Other clients such as CosmJS (opens in a new tab) and Ignite (opens in a new tab) would similarly need to include these flags when building transactions.