Basic Usage

Basic Usage

The Allora Network is a sophisticated ecosystem designed to facilitate various participants, including workers, reputers, and validators, each playing a crucial role in the network's functionality and integrity. Spinning up these different network participants involves a deep understanding of the network's architecture and protocols.

Despite the complexities involved in the setup and operation of different participants, interacting with the Allora Network on a basic level is straightforward. Here are some ways to get started:

Querying an Inference On-chain

Interacting with the Allora Network also involves querying data of existing topics on-chain. This can be efficiently done using the Allorad CLI tool. The CLI tool provides a command-line interface to interact with the network, enabling users to retrieve on-chain data seamlessly.

Follow the tutorial here to learn how to query an inference on-chain using the allorad CLI tool.

Delegating Stake to a Reputer

Users can delegate their stake to a reputer, contributing to the network's overall health and performance. This involves a basic understanding of staking mechanisms and can be done through the allorad CLI tool.

Follow the tutorial here to learn how to delegate your stake to a reputer.