How to Query Reputer Data using allorad

How to Query Reputer Data using allorad

Below is a list of commands to understand how to pull information about reputers via allorad:


  • allorad CLI
  • A basic understanding of the Allora Network

Query Functions

These functions read from the appchain only and do not write. Add the Command value into your query to retrieve the expected data.

allorad q emissions [Command] --node <RPC_URL>

Check if Reputer is Registered in a Topic

  • RPC Method: IsReputerRegisteredInTopicId
  • Command: is-reputer-registered [topic_id] [address]
  • Description: Checks whether a reputer is registered in a specific topic. Returns true if the reputer is registered in the given topic, and false otherwise.
  • Positional Arguments:
    • topic_id: The identifier of the topic where you want to check the reputer’s registration status.
    • address: The address of the reputer you want to check.

Use Case:

Why use it?

  • This command is essential for verifying whether a reputer is properly registered in a specific topic before submitting reputation-related data or participating in topic-related activities.

Example Scenario:

  • Before a reputer attempts to evaluate workers or participate in consensus, you can confirm if they are registered to the relevant topic, ensuring their eligibility for participation.

Check Reputer Stake in a Topic

  • RPC Method: GetReputerStakeInTopic
  • Command: stake-in-topic-reputer [address] [topic_id]
  • Description: Retrieves the stake a reputer has in a specific topic, including any stake that has been delegated to them.
  • Positional Arguments:
    • address: The address of the reputer whose stake is being queried.
    • topic_id: The identifier of the topic.

Use Case:

Why use it?

  • This command is essential for understanding the total stake a reputer holds in a specific topic, including delegated stake, which is important for determining their influence.

Example Scenario:

  • Before delegating more stake, you may want to check how much stake a reputer already has in a particular topic.

Get Total Delegate Stake in a Reputer for a Topic

  • RPC Method: GetDelegateStakeInTopicInReputer
  • Command: stake-total-delegated-in-topic-reputer [reputer_address] [topic_id]
  • Description: Retrieves the total amount of stake delegated to a reputer for a specific topic.
  • Positional Arguments:
    • reputer_address: The address of the reputer.
    • topic_id: The identifier of the topic.

Use Case:

Why use it?

  • This command provides insight into how much stake has been delegated to a reputer for a given topic, which can impact their role in network consensus.

Example Scenario:

  • As a delegator, you may want to see how much stake has already been delegated to a reputer before deciding to contribute more.

Get Stake Delegated to a Reputer

  • RPC Method: GetDelegateStakePlacement
  • Command: delegate-stake-placement [topic_id] [delegator] [target]
  • Description: Retrieves the amount of tokens delegated to a specific reputer by a given delegator for a topic.
  • Positional Arguments:
    • topic_id: The identifier of the topic.
    • delegator: The address of the delegator.
    • target: The address of the target reputer.

Use Case:

Why use it?

  • Use this command to track how much stake a delegator has assigned to a particular reputer in a specific topic.

Example Scenario:

  • A delegator can check the exact amount of tokens they have staked on a specific reputer within a topic.

Get Removed Delegated Stake from a Reputer

  • RPC Method: GetDelegateStakeRemoval
  • Command: delegate-stake-removal [block_height] [topic_id] [delegator] [reputer]
  • Description: Retrieves the current state of a pending delegate stake removal for a delegator in a topic.
  • Positional Arguments:
    • block_height: The block height at which the removal is pending.
    • topic_id: The identifier of the topic.
    • delegator: The address of the delegator.
    • reputer: The address of the target reputer.

Use Case:

Why use it?

  • This command helps track pending removals of delegated stake, ensuring visibility into the process of un-staking tokens from a reputer.

Example Scenario:

  • A delegator can check the status of their pending delegate stake removal request.

Get Total Stake Delegated to a Reputer

  • RPC Method: GetDelegateStakeUponReputer
  • Command: delegate-stake-on-reputer [topic_id] [target]
  • Description: Retrieves the total amount of tokens delegated to a reputer in a specific topic.
  • Positional Arguments:
    • topic_id: The identifier of the topic.
    • target: The address of the target reputer.

Use Case:

Why use it?

  • This command provides insight into the total delegated stake a reputer has accumulated in a given topic, which impacts their standing in the network.

Example Scenario:

  • You may want to know how much stake has been assigned to a reputer before deciding to interact with them in the topic.

Get Reputer's Latest Score in a Topic

  • RPC Method: GetReputerScoreEma
  • Command: reputer-score-ema [topic_id] [reputer]
  • Description: Returns the latest Exponential Moving Average (EMA) score for a reputer in a specific topic.
  • Positional Arguments:
    • topic_id: The identifier of the topic.
    • reputer: The address of the reputer.

Use Case:

Why use it?

  • This command allows you to track the latest performance score of a reputer, giving insight into their effectiveness within the network.

Example Scenario:

  • Before delegating stake, you may want to see how well a reputer is performing in terms of their most recent EMA score.

Get Reputer's Stake Removal Information

  • RPC Method: GetStakeRemovalForReputerAndTopicId
  • Command: stake-removal [reputer] [topic_id]
  • Description: Retrieves information about a pending stake removal request for a reputer in a specific topic.
  • Positional Arguments:
    • reputer: The address of the reputer.
    • topic_id: The identifier of the topic.

Use Case:

Why use it?

  • Use this command to check the details of any pending stake removal for a reputer in a topic.

Example Scenario:

  • You can track the status of a reputer’s pending stake removal request in the network.

Get Total Stake Delegated to a Reputer

  • RPC Method: GetStakeReputerAuthority
  • Command: reputer-authority [topic_id] [reputer]
  • Description: Retrieves the total stake a reputer holds in a topic, including both their own stake and delegated stake.
  • Positional Arguments:
    • topic_id: The identifier of the topic.
    • reputer: The address of the reputer.

Use Case:

Why use it?

  • This command provides a complete view of a reputer's stake in a topic, combining both self-stake and delegated stake, which influences their standing in the network.

Example Scenario:

  • Before interacting with a reputer in a topic, you may want to see their total stake, including how much has been delegated to them.

Get Listening Coefficient for a Reputer

  • RPC Method: GetListeningCoefficient
  • Command: listening-coefficient [topic_id] [reputer]
  • Description: Returns the current listening coefficient for a given reputer in a specific topic. The coefficient measures how much a reputer is "listening" or interacting with the network. If no coefficient exists, it defaults to 1.
  • Positional Arguments:
    • topic_id: The identifier of the topic.
    • reputer: The address of the reputer whose listening coefficient is being queried.

Use Case:

Why use it?

  • This command is useful to determine how actively a reputer is interacting with a topic. The listening coefficient reflects how engaged the reputer is in the network's consensus and decision-making process.

Example Scenario:

  • As a delegator, you may want to check the listening coefficient of a reputer before deciding to delegate stake to them, ensuring they are actively participating in the topic.

Get Multiple Reputers' Stakes in a Topic

  • RPC Method: GetMultiReputerStakeInTopic
  • Command: multi-reputer-stake [addresses] [topic_id]
  • Description: Retrieves the stakes for each reputer in a given list of addresses for a specific topic. The list can contain up to the MaxPageLimit number of addresses. If a reputer does not exist, their stake is defaulted to 0.
  • Positional Arguments:
    • addresses: A list of reputer addresses whose stakes you want to retrieve.
    • topic_id: The identifier of the topic.

Use Case:

Why use it?

  • This command allows you to query the stakes of multiple reputers in a specific topic in a single request, making it useful for bulk operations or analysis.

Example Scenario:

  • You want to check the stakes of a list of reputers for a specific topic to compare their authority and influence in the topic.