Walkthrough: Using a Topic Inference on-chain

Walkthrough: Using a Topic Inference on-chain

Follow these instructions to bring the most recent inference data on-chain for a given topic.

Complete Example:

     * @notice Example for calling a protocol function with topic inference data
     * @param protocolFunctionArgument An argument for the protocol function
     * @param alloraNetworkInferenceData The signed data from the Allora Consumer
    function callProtocolFunctionWithAlloraTopicInference(
        uint256 protocolFunctionArgument,
        AlloraConsumerNetworkInferenceData calldata alloraNetworkInferenceData
    ) external payable {
            uint256 value,
            uint256[] memory confidenceIntervalPercentiles,
            uint256[] memory confidenceIntervalValues,
        ) = IAlloraConsumer(<Consumer Contract Address>).verifyNetworkInference(alloraNetworkInferenceData);

Step by Step Guide:

Call the Consumer Inference API using the asset and timeframe you want to query.

  • asset is the asset you want to query, e.g. BTC, ETH
  • timeframe is the timeframe you want to query, e.g. 5m, 8h
curl -X 'GET' --url '' -H 'x-api-key: <apiKey>'

Here is an example response:

	"request_id": "b52b7c20-57ae-4852-bdbb-8f39cf317974",
	"status": true,
	"data": {
		"signature": "0x99b8b75f875a9ecc09fc499073656407458d464edeceb384686dba990ed785d841e6510b578d253a6e19a20503d1ec1e3c38b4c60980ff3b4df9ce3335ebd3851b",
		"inference_data": {
			"network_inference": "3365485208027959000000",
			"confidence_interval_percentiles": ["2280000000000000000", "15870000000000000000", "50000000000000000000", "84130000000000000000", "97720000000000000000"],
			"confidence_interval_values": ["2280000000000000000", "15870000000000000000", "50000000000000000000", "84130000000000000000", "97720000000000000000"],
			"topic_id": "9",
			"timestamp": "1719866777",
			"extra_data": "0x"
  1. Construct a call to the Allora Consumer contract on the chain of your choice (options listed under deployments) using the returned signature and network-inference as follows:

Creating the Transaction:

Note you be doing something more like callProtocolFunctionWithAlloraTopicInference in the example above, so you would want to construct your call to that contract in a similar way to the following. You can find the complete example here (opens in a new tab).

const alloraConsumer = 
  (new AlloraConsumer__factory())
    .connect(senderWallet) as AlloraConsumer
const tx = await alloraConsumer.verifyNetworkInference({
  signature: '0x99b8b75f875a9ecc09fc499073656407458d464edeceb384686dba990ed785d841e6510b578d253a6e19a20503d1ec1e3c38b4c60980ff3b4df9ce3335ebd3851b',
    networkInference: {
    topicId: 9,
    timestamp: 1719866777,
    extraData: ethers.toUtf8Bytes(''),
    networkInference: '3365485208027959000000',
    confidenceIntervalPercentiles:['2280000000000000000', '15870000000000000000', '50000000000000000000', '84130000000000000000', '97720000000000000000' ],
    confidenceIntervalValues:[ '3016256807053656000000', '3029849059956295000000', '3049738780726754000000', '3148682039955208400000', '3278333171848616500000' ],
  extraData: ethers.toUtf8Bytes(''),
})'tx hash:', tx.hash)'Awaiting tx confirmation...')
const result = await tx.wait()'tx receipt:', result)


  • The API endpoint uses snake_case, while the smart contract uses camelCase for attribute names.
  • Ethers.js does not accept '' for extraData. Empty extraData should be denoted with '0x'.

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