Reputers ensure the accuracy and reliability of worker inferences and the overall integrity of topics.
What do Reputers do?
Source Ground Truth
Reputers source the ground truth as specified by the topic metadata. For example, they might retrieve the actual price of ETH at a specific moment in time.
This ground truth is essential for evaluating the accuracy of inferences made by workers.
Calculate Loss
Reputers calculate the loss of worker inferences and forecast-implied inferences relative to the ground truth.
For instance, if a topic's loss function is an L1-norm, reputers apply this norm to each worker's inference and the actual price of ETH in 10 days.
They then respond with a ValueBundle
of losses (opens in a new tab), detailing the calculated losses for each inference.
Secure Topics with Stake
Reputers secure topics with their stake. The more a reputer stakes in a topic, the greater their influence on the consensus of losses.
Additionally, reputers can be delegated to, increasing their ability to secure the topic further. This delegated stake enhances the extent to which reputers secure the topic as opposed to the broader chain security.
Receive Rewards
Reputers receive rewards based on how close their reported losses are to the consensus. A stake-weighted average of each reported loss is taken among reputers per topic per epoch. The closer a reputer's values are to this average, the more they are rewarded.
This system incentivizes reputers to provide accurate and reliable loss calculations, contributing to the network's overall integrity and reliability.