TypeScript SDK

Allora TypeScript SDK

The Allora TypeScript SDK provides a convenient way to interact with the Allora API from JavaScript and TypeScript applications.


You can install the Allora TypeScript SDK using npm or yarn:

# Using npm
npm install @alloralabs/allora-sdk
# Using yarn
yarn add @alloralabs/allora-sdk

Basic Usage

Here's a simple example of how to use the Allora TypeScript SDK:

import { AlloraAPIClient, ChainSlug } from '@alloralabs/allora-sdk/v2'
// Initialize the client
const alloraClient = new AlloraAPIClient({
  chainSlug: ChainSlug.TESTNET, // Use ChainSlug.MAINNET for mainnet
  apiKey: process.env.ALLORA_API_KEY, // Optional, but recommended for production use
// Fetch all available topics
async function fetchTopics() {
  try {
    const topics = await alloraClient.getAllTopics();
    console.log('Available topics:', topics);
  } catch (error) {
    console.error('Error fetching topics:', error);
// Fetch inference for a specific topic
async function fetchInference(topicId: number) {
  try {
    const inference = await alloraClient.getInferenceByTopicID(topicId);
    console.log('Inference data:', inference);
  } catch (error) {
    console.error('Error fetching inference:', error);
// Fetch price inference for a specific asset and timeframe
async function fetchPriceInference() {
  try {
    const inference = await alloraClient.getPriceInference(
    console.log('Price inference data:', inference);
  } catch (error) {
    console.error('Error fetching price inference:', error);

The API key is optional but recommended for production use. If not provided, a default API key will be used, which may be subject to rate limiting.

API Reference


The main class for interacting with the Allora API.


constructor(config: AlloraAPIClientConfig)


  • config: An object with the following properties:
    • chainSlug: The chain to use. Can be ChainSlug.TESTNET or ChainSlug.MAINNET.
    • apiKey: Your API key. Optional, but recommended for production use.
    • baseAPIUrl: The base URL for the API. Optional, defaults to



Fetches all available topics from the Allora API.

async getAllTopics(): Promise<AlloraTopic[]>

Returns: A promise that resolves to an array of all available topics.

getInferenceByTopicID(topicID, signatureFormat)

Fetches an inference for a specific topic from the Allora API.

async getInferenceByTopicID(
  topicID: number,
  signatureFormat: SignatureFormat = SignatureFormat.ETHEREUM_SEPOLIA
): Promise<AlloraInference>


  • topicID: The unique identifier of the topic to get inference for.
  • signatureFormat: The format of the signature. Optional, defaults to SignatureFormat.ETHEREUM_SEPOLIA.

Returns: A promise that resolves to the inference data.

getPriceInference(asset, timeframe, signatureFormat)

Fetches a price inference for a specific asset and timeframe from the Allora API.

async getPriceInference(
  asset: PriceInferenceToken,
  timeframe: PriceInferenceTimeframe,
  signatureFormat: SignatureFormat = SignatureFormat.ETHEREUM_SEPOLIA
): Promise<AlloraInference>


  • asset: The asset to get price inference for. Can be PriceInferenceToken.BTC or PriceInferenceToken.ETH.
  • timeframe: The timeframe to get price inference for. Can be PriceInferenceTimeframe.FIVE_MIN or PriceInferenceTimeframe.EIGHT_HOURS.
  • signatureFormat: The format of the signature. Optional, defaults to SignatureFormat.ETHEREUM_SEPOLIA.

Returns: A promise that resolves to the inference data.



enum ChainSlug {
  TESTNET = "testnet",
  MAINNET = "mainnet",


enum PriceInferenceToken {
  BTC = "BTC",
  ETH = "ETH",


enum PriceInferenceTimeframe {
  FIVE_MIN = "5m",
  EIGHT_HOURS = "8h",


enum SignatureFormat {
  ETHEREUM_SEPOLIA = "ethereum-11155111",



interface AlloraAPIClientConfig {
  chainSlug?: ChainSlug;
  apiKey?: string;
  baseAPIUrl?: string;


interface AlloraTopic {
  topic_id: number;
  topic_name: string;
  description?: string | null;
  epoch_length: number;
  ground_truth_lag: number;
  loss_method: string;
  worker_submission_window: number;
  worker_count: number;
  reputer_count: number;
  total_staked_allo: number;
  total_emissions_allo: number;
  is_active: boolean | null;
  updated_at: string;


interface AlloraInferenceData {
  network_inference: string;
  network_inference_normalized: string;
  confidence_interval_percentiles: string[];
  confidence_interval_percentiles_normalized: string[];
  confidence_interval_values: string[];
  confidence_interval_values_normalized: string[];
  topic_id: string;
  timestamp: number;
  extra_data: string;


interface AlloraInference {
  signature: string;
  inference_data: AlloraInferenceData;


Fetching and Using Price Inference

import { AlloraAPIClient, ChainSlug, PriceInferenceToken, PriceInferenceTimeframe } from '@alloralabs/allora-sdk/v2'
async function fetchAndUseBTCPriceInference() {
  // Initialize the client
  const alloraClient = new AlloraAPIClient({
    chainSlug: ChainSlug.TESTNET,
    apiKey: process.env.ALLORA_API_KEY,
  try {
    // Fetch BTC price inference for 8-hour timeframe
    const inference = await alloraClient.getPriceInference(
    // Extract the network inference value
    const networkInference = inference.inference_data.network_inference;
    console.log(`BTC 8-hour price inference: ${networkInference}`);
    // Extract confidence interval values
    const confidenceIntervals = inference.inference_data.confidence_interval_values;
    console.log('Confidence intervals:', confidenceIntervals);
    // Use the inference data in your application
    // ...
  } catch (error) {
    console.error('Error fetching BTC price inference:', error);

Fetching All Topics and Displaying Them

import { AlloraAPIClient, ChainSlug } from '@alloralabs/allora-sdk/v2'
async function displayAllTopics() {
  // Initialize the client
  const alloraClient = new AlloraAPIClient({
    chainSlug: ChainSlug.TESTNET,
    apiKey: process.env.ALLORA_API_KEY,
  try {
    // Fetch all topics
    const topics = await alloraClient.getAllTopics();
    // Display topics
    console.log(`Found ${topics.length} topics:`);
    topics.forEach(topic => {
      console.log(`- Topic ID: ${topic.topic_id}`);
      console.log(`  Name: ${topic.topic_name}`);
      console.log(`  Description: ${topic.description || 'No description'}`);
      console.log(`  Active: ${topic.is_active ? 'Yes' : 'No'}`);
      console.log(`  Worker count: ${topic.worker_count}`);
      console.log(`  Updated at: ${topic.updated_at}`);
  } catch (error) {
    console.error('Error fetching topics:', error);

Using Inference Data with React

import React, { useState, useEffect } from 'react';
import { AlloraAPIClient, ChainSlug, PriceInferenceToken, PriceInferenceTimeframe } from '@alloralabs/allora-sdk/v2';
function PriceDisplay() {
  const [price, setPrice] = useState<string | null>(null);
  const [loading, setLoading] = useState<boolean>(true);
  const [error, setError] = useState<string | null>(null);
  useEffect(() => {
    const fetchPrice = async () => {
      try {
        // Initialize the client
        const alloraClient = new AlloraAPIClient({
          chainSlug: ChainSlug.TESTNET,
          apiKey: process.env.REACT_APP_ALLORA_API_KEY,
        // Fetch ETH price inference
        const inference = await alloraClient.getPriceInference(
        // Set the price
      } catch (err) {
        setError('Failed to fetch price data');
      } finally {
    // Refresh price every 5 minutes
    const intervalId = setInterval(fetchPrice, 5 * 60 * 1000);
    // Clean up interval on component unmount
    return () => clearInterval(intervalId);
  }, []);
  if (loading) return <div>Loading price data...</div>;
  if (error) return <div>Error: {error}</div>;
  return (
      <h2>Current ETH Price</h2>
      <p className="price">{price}</p>
export default PriceDisplay;