Get Started

Getting Started with Allora

Welcome to the Allora developer's guide! This page will help you get up to speed with the Allora repositories that will be used throughout our documentation and show you how to start contributing to our ecosystem.


Allora is a decentralized network that leverages the power of collective participation in tasks such as data inference, forecasting, and verification. Contribute to any of the repositories below to help enhance and grow the Allora ecosystem.

Key Repositories

Here are the main repositories you'll need to get started with Allora:

Allora Offchain Node

The Allora Offchain Node (opens in a new tab) allows inference and data providers to participate in the Allora network. This repo is the base for both forecast and inference worker nodes, as well as reputers.





Allora Chain

The Allora chain (opens in a new tab) is a Cosmos Hub chain that forms the core of the Allora network. This repository contains the blockchain's codebase and is useful for validators.

You can use the Allorad CLI tool to query the chain and make transactions.

Allora Consumer Contracts

The Allora Consumer (opens in a new tab) Repository shows how to get inferences on-chain via smart contract function execution.