
Allora Network Participants

Allora Network participants can fulfill a variety of different roles after any of these participants have created a topic. A topic is registered on the Allora chain with a short rule set governing network interaction, including the loss function that needs to be optimized by the topic network.

Allora Labs will contribute to the development of the network alongside other external code contributors. Allora Labs will also participate in the network as a worker by running models. Allora Labs will contribute as a sales/marketing service provider for Allora.

  • Workers provide AI/ML-powered inferences to the network. These inferences can directly refer to the object that the network topic is generating or to the predicted quality of the inferences produced by other workers to help the network combine these inferences. A worker receives rewards proportional to the quality of its inferences.
  • Reputers evaluate the quality of the inferences provided by the workers. This is done by comparing the inferences to the ground truth when available. Reputers also quantify how much these inferences contribute to the network-wide inference. A reputer receives rewards proportional to its stake and the quality of its evaluations. Reputers are often authoritative domain experts to assess the quality of inferences accurately.
  • Validators are responsible for operating most of the infrastructure associated with instantiating the Allora Network by operating the appchain as Cosmos validators. Validators receive rewards proportional to their stake.
  • Consumers request inferences from the network. They pay for the inferences using the native network token.