Calculating Total Reward Distribution Between Validators and Topics
50% of the rewards in the network go to participants providing economic security and 50% of the rewards go to intelligence contributors.
- Economic Security: Validators and Reputers
- Intelligence Contributors: Forecast and Inference Workers
Total Reward Distribution
Validator Rewards
Validator rewards are divided from the total allocation of 25% based on how much stake a given validator has in the network comparative to the overall stake of all validators in the network.
Topic Rewards
Topic rewards for a single topic are divided from the total allocation of 75% based on how much 'weight' the topic has.
Understanding Topic Weight
- Weight is like a score that shows how important or valuable a topic is.
- This weight is based on two things:
- How much reputer stake it has
- How much revenue the topic generates
- The formula for calculating weight looks at both these factors equally
- The weight is averaged over time to keep it stable and fair, so sudden changes don’t affect it too much.